
stages -- part iii of writing the world

Stage 1: Rough Draft/First Manuscript -- In this stage you are writing the main manuscript. This is to get a rough draft for your book.

Stage 2: Editing -- This stage is where you start to edit your rough draft. Copy and Paste the entire book onto a new document, leaving your first manuscript alone, that way if you loose your editing, you didn't loose the entire book. In the Editing stage you will read the entire manuscript, leaving it alone and taking notes on things that you can and would like to fix. (If you find any grammar or spelling errors while reading it correct them as soon as you find them, don't write it down) Make sure while you have your 'editing sheet' you have also drawn out the main major events in the book; an outline. This will help you because then you know not to delete a major event.

The point of the entire editing process is to make the book absolutely perfect. Edit. Edit. Edit. You may even need to take out your absolute favorite part of the book or your favorite character. The only way you can keep your favorite part is if it has a lot to do with the entire story. Like let's say your character finds out she's a witch from a place called Zekka and she has to go there to find out why her parents sent her to live in the human world, but first she has to find them. Let's say your favorite part was when she got there and met her real parents. You CANNOT delete that part. If you do, it will destroy your entire book and you'll have nothing.

After pretty much throwing most of your book into the paper shredder and you are much more happy... it's time to do it all over again. I recommend doing the whole 'throwing your book in the paper shredder' thing twice. After doing it a second time, you can decide if it needs to be done a third.

Now your entire editing process would have come to an end. Maybe you can add a couple things. A couple more ideas or so.

Stage 3: This is what I call the 'stage makeup' stage. This is where you'll add all of your fancy fonts, first sentences, chapter headings, title page, copyright page, etc. This is also where you get your front cover, back page, your sypnosis and all that stuff covered. Then it's time to find a publisher! that will be in part iv

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