
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Today, I'm having some church friends over at my house and I'm also going online deal shopping for Christmas presents. I still need to find my dad something, and some Spiderman duct tape for some boys that I babysit and make them penny pouches to hold all of their pennies! (They're obsessed with pennies!)

Today I'm most thankful for my family for always being here with me through everything and always supporting me with my singing. I'm especially thankful for my Uncle Cody. He was the person that got me into music. He got me into playing the guitar and I miss him so much. I thought I mentioned it but I might have not but, he moved last year, a few days before Thanksgiving to California to be with his now fiance. I got to see him in the summer time, but I will never stop missing him and all the times we would play popcorn on the trampoline and when he would score a 'dud' and we would just laugh at our rating system.. :) Then I would try to pop him and I would always get a 'dud double negative minus'. :)

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for? :)

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