
The Point System // A Devotional

(btw, in case you're wondering, that it made out of a pad of paper, a pack of colored sharpies, a red and blue gel pen, and some aeropostale live love dream lip gloss.)

The Point System ~ About Judging the Wrong Way.

I know. You're looking at the tagline saying, what? There is only one way to judge, genius! Well, not really. If you think about what you are judging there are millions of ways to judge. Also, you're probably thinking, we're not supposed to judge, we're Christians, God says we shouldn't judge, and now you're saying that we're judging,  something we're not supposed to do, the wrong way. No. I'm not saying that. True, God says we shouldn't judge. But I'm talking about something completely different.

Our judging of others sins are the wrong way of judging. We judge every sin using what I call, The Point System. Let's say that 1 is the least and 5 is the worst. So you're comparing sins that other people have done, and you compare Lying and Murder. You put lying as a 1 and murder as a 5. Here are some other sin comparisons.

Minor Cuss Word; 2 and Major Cuss Word; 5
Stealing Candy; 2 and Stealing a Diamond Ring; 5
Committing Adultery; 5 and Lying; 1

Do you see what I mean? Points. Also we use 'The Alligator System' like alligator mouths in math, right? Well, that is the wrong way to judge. I understand that you think that I'm crazy for saying that, but just, hear me out. But in the Bible, many times God points out that ALL SIN IS EQUAL. A murder doesn't hurt more in God's heart than a lie does.

So, we're using this Point System in judging others, when really, we shouldn't be judging at all, but if we do judge, we need to judge that all sin is equal and that judging others is wrong, but we shouldn't look at everything as tally marks on a piece of paper. The world isn't that see-through or black and white. And once we take away our little pad of paper full of our Point System points, it defeats judging completely.


Well, I hoped you like this devotional and be looking forward to a Video Devotional series about being genuine! :) This was a fun post! I enjoyed doing this again! Well, have a good night's sleep! xx.


  1. Hi Meena! Love your post and blog!! :)


  2. Great post!! We talked about this at camp. :)


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